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Experiencing the YOU-niverse: Contemplating Our Sun

“Turn your face to the sun and shadows fall behind you.”
Maori proverb

For thousands of years, human beings have engaged in a contemplative relationship with the universe experienced through the naked eye. Engaging this relationship has evoked countless insights, reflections and inspirations across cultures throughout Earth.

For this special event, we’ll spend time with our nearest star, the Sun, as it shines brightly in our daytime sky, showering us and all life on Earth with its light, warmth, energy, and companionship.  By contemplating our cosmic experience of the Sun together we deepen our relationship with the cosmos, the Sun, the natural world, and each other.

While the Sun is shining brightly for both Europe and the Americas, astronomer and author Stephan Martin (located in North Carolina), meditation teacher and psychotherapist Marianne Rowe (located in California), and ex-astronomer, author and Zen teacher Mark Westmoquette (located in London, UK) will be our guides as we turn our attention to the radiative generativity and generosity of the Sun as a way of opening the door to an expanded perspective and universe of possibility.

Through an audio-only Zoom call, we’ll explore teachings on the scientific and mythic nature of the Sun, experience deepening meditations and contemplative invitations, share our insights with others in our virtual circle, all while reflecting together on the many gifts of the Sun to life on Earth, encouraging us to enter into a new relationship of appreciation for our faithful daytime companion.

With Marianne Rowe, Stephan Martin, & Mark Westmoquette
June 29, 2024
9am Pacific (To find the session time in your time zone, go to World Time Buddy.)
$20 (Includes a copy of the recording)

We look forward to sharing this special experience together with you.

Stephan Martin is an astronomer, educator, and author who has taught astronomy, physics, and consciousness studies at colleges, universities, and learning centers across the US for over twenty-five years. Between 2003-2008 he studied directly with Brian Swimme and others at the California Institute of Integral Studies, out of which came his first book Cosmic Conversations, in which he held dialogues with scientists, spiritual teachers, and cultural creatives on the nature of the universe and our role in it. Since then he has led workshops on the New Cosmology at seminars and retreat centers across the US and Europe and has been active in exploring multidisciplinary approaches to exploring the universe. He is currently adjunct faculty in the Consciousness and Transformative Studies graduate program at John F Kennedy University where he teaches a course on “Cosmology and Consciousness.” Steve is also a co-director of the continuing care program at the Center for Spiritual Emergence in Asheville, NC where he assists clients in living more conscious lives from an expansive perspective.

Mark Westmoquette is an ex-professional astronomer (PhD 2007), but now full-time yoga and meditation teacher based in London, UK. He’s also an authorised Zen Buddhist teacher. Mark runs regular events and retreats around what he calls 'mindful stargazing’, bringing together the worlds of astronomy and inner awareness. He is the author of three books on the subject (Mindful Thoughts for Stargazers - 2019, The Mindful Universe - 2020, Stars: A Practical Guide to the Key Constellations - 2020). 


Social media links: FB: /MWestmoquette; Insta: @mindfulstargazing; TikTok: @mindfulstargazing

Marianne Rowe is a Founding Teacher of Monterey Bay Meditation Studio, an Emergent Dialogue facilitator, and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Pacific Grove, CA. Her teaching, therapeutic work and leadership focus on healing, transformation and evolution through awareness and relationship — developing Integral consciousness through the physiological, cognitive, emotional, relational and spiritual aspects of being. She is dedicated to catalyzing and cultivating embodiment of a New Story for human beings (inspired by Charles Eisenstein) and playing a conscious role as part of the evolving Universe Story (inspired by Thomas Berry, Brian Swimme, and Duane Elgin). Marianne’s passions include inspiring reverence and reciprocity with Earth and Universe, spiritual activism, and conscious relationship with all beings. Read more.

This offering is part of the Spirituality/Evolution of Consciousness, Relationships, and Outdoors MBMS Pathways.