

Kunsi/Abuela Ejna Jean Fleury

Grandmother Ejna Fleury serves as a spiritual activist and counselor, meditation and consciousness facilitator and healer, mystic, visionary, and ceremonialist. She is a member of the Miniconjou, Oglala, Hunkpapa, & Ihanktonwan peoples of the Great Sioux Nation, and serves as First Peace Ambassador of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe of South Dakota.

Kunsi/Abuela Ejna is the founder of Crow Creek Kunsi/Unci Grandmothers Society; Divine Mothers Love; Sacred Earth Council; and Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee, a global wide movement with a pledge to end war and massacre. She is a member of the Council of Eagle, Condor, Quetzal & Colibri, and an international coordinator of Four Worlds Holistic Health Program. She also serves in the Peace Room of the Founding Mothers Movement. As a Registered Nurse and with an MA in Counseling Psychology, she was a former faculty member at University of Minnesota, School of Nursing.

"My mission and purpose is in sacred service to humankind in … 'a re-consecration of our place in the holiness of existence',” as Martin Shaw so succinctly and eloquently states. This would include humanity’s collective recognition that we have always been holy and to live in that accord with humankind, beloved Earth, and the Cosmos. Greetings to All my Relatives!"


Molly McGettigan Arthur

revering, atoning, relating

Molly McGettigan Arthur is a native San Franciscan. She is an Associate with the Society of the Sacred Heart and is a great, great granddaughter of General Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo, “Californio Patron”, and General Patrick Edward Connor, “Father of Mining” of Utah.

Molly works on projects of reparation with Indigenous people because of her brutal colonist/conqueror ancestral lineage and violent Catholic spiritual legacy; she calls this Decolonizing our Hearts. She curates Waking Up to Our Own History and EcoBirth-Women for Earth & Birth and Women's Collective Matrix.