“Somehow everything necessary to work for now
seems to float like swirls of sunscreen on the
surface of the pool.
The depth is elsewhere.
May we swim deeply and off script.”
– Nora Bateson
Ummm-Hmmmm … Yep, it pretty much feels like that these days.
It’s hard to even remember, much less to sense depth when …
… news of separation and devastation cascades like a flooded waterfall;
… major life changes happen overnight … and almost nightly;
… how we were being last week feels irrelevant given what’s happening today;
… we feel dysregulated, disillusioned, dismissed, and disempowered.
Delusions of predictability (what “will-be”), one-truth (what “is”), and progress (what “is becoming”) are evaporating.
Of course, the majority of the world’s population have been living in this reality for centuries. Now, those of us who are not accustomed to these aspects of life and living are getting a sense of what it’s like to be in daily-relationship with uncertainty, not knowing, and “failure.”
Assumptions of Western culture’s programming of promises and how things are supposed-to-be are unraveling. Those of us who have been brought-up in this programming are faced with a h-u-g-e adjustment challenge … and invitation.
… UNF! = swimming “off script,” indeed.
We (the MBMS Orbs) invite you to join us as we go off script and into conversation with all of us – exploring what it is to be in this evolutionary threshold of liminality. … How can we be in beneficial relationship with this circumstance? … Where might we turn for guidance and support? … Which qualities of being are being called-forth? … What potentialities might we discover in this in-between?
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers … the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”
― Rainer Maria Rilke
Conversation Instigators: Marianne Rowe, Cliff Berrien, Shadi Mogadime, Mark Skelding, Gerardo Amaro
February 8, 2025
10:30 am - 12 pm
This course meets online via Zoom. When you register, we’ll invite you to our online group for the course.
Registration closes 2 hours before the event begins, or when the course is full. Registration is limited to 25 participants.
As a humane being, co-founding teacher of Monterey Bay Meditation Studio, and licensed marriage and family therapist, Marianne is dedicated to cultivating eco-systemic consciousness and living in-cahoots with Earth, Cosmos, and Life in all forms. Marianne’s insatiable love of learning has led her into certifications as a nature & forest therapy guide, eco-therapist, California naturalist, and Authentic Relating facilitator, along with certifications in eco-psychology, climate stewardship and climate psychology. She has been practicing meditation since the last century and teaching mindfulness meditation to children and adults since 2006.
Her sense of belonging and aliveness is sourced and deepened through walks, sits, and gazing with the Pacific Ocean, forest, night skies, along with evolutionary, envisioning conversations with beloved friends and colleagues. Read more.
This offering is part of the Mindfulness, Spirituality/Evolution of Consciousness, and Relationships Currents.
This event meets online via Zoom, with additional components on our online community platform. After you register, we’ll send you the access details.
Having a space that is quiet and where you are not likely to be interrupted will contribute to a more beneficial experience for yourself and all participants. Co-creating a container of respect and presence for this conversation will enhance the benefits of this experience for each and all of us.
For this offering:
We recommend that, if possible, you view this event on a PC or laptop so that you have access to Gallery view and can see all the participants.
We also encourage you to keep your video on so that a sense of community and engagement is cultivated.
Registration Policies (please read)
By registering for this course, you agree to receive notifications from Monterey Bay Meditation Studio.