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Mindful Relating: Presence of Mind & Heart

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Our relationships hold the potential of being a source of healing and transformation. They can provide a sense of connection and belonging, as well as a field for rewriting old beliefs and patterns. Amazing things happen when we bring awareness and intention to the relationship as having as much value as the individuals who are co-creating it. 

  • What might it mean to communicate in a way that leads to deeper understanding and intimacy?

  • What if our discussions about differences led us to feeling connected rather than separate?

  • How do you skillfully set boundaries while maintaining an open heart – honoring yourself, the other person, and the relationship?

This course focuses on engaging deep listening, skillful speech, and compassion in service of building conscious and meaningful relationships. Through

  • teaching

  • relational games

  • practical skill-building

  • meditation

… we engage and embody mindfulness as a way of being together. The focus is on evolving reactive patterns into conscious relationship as a pathway of weaving shared reality, promoting healing, and cultivating transformation.

The way we are in relationship shapes our experience of life and the world we live in. In fact, some would say, it’s where quantum physics meets poetry -- it’s all about relationship. What might happen if we become more relationally intelligent?

Teacher: Marianne Rowe
Thursdays, May 13, 20, 27, June 3
5:30-7:00 pm

This course meets online via Zoom, with additional components on our online community platform. When you register, we’ll send you the details to access the session on Zoom.