Dr. Barbara A. Holmes was an educator, spiritual teacher, activist, and womanist scholar who focused on African-American spirituality, mysticism, culture and cosmology. In her numerous books, writings and presentations, Dr. Holmes’ eloquently prophetic voice offers powerful perspectives that expand our possibilities for liberation and care for all beings, and invites us to explore how healing justice is possible. Inspired by the work of ancestral figures she referred to as public mystics, or contemplative exemplars, this course invites us to discover what it means to be everyday mystics, to explore the richness of everyday healing for self, other and the planet. Dr. Holmes, referred to as “a mentor for our times,” asserts that, “Perhaps the next location for change and restoration will be in the hearts of the willing.” This course is a call for contemplative advocates to emerge who are willing to, “follow the dimly lit path toward greater wisdom” and walk with their ancestral exemplars toward a different future.
"My life is committed to the struggle for justice, the healing of the human spirit, and the art of relevant and radical creativity."
~Dr. Barbara A. Holmes
Like many prophetic authors, Dr. Holmes’ radical work was not well known during her lifetime. However, over a 20-year period, her books offered prophetic hope that we can overcome ignorance and injustice through expanding our worldview and developing new language that propels us to construct futures where everyone and everything belongs. This language emerges from mysticism and Afrofuturism, from physics and cosmology, from artists, poets and musicians and from all disciplines revealing a unified, connected universe held together by something akin to care. Throughout her work, Dr. Holmes explores contemplative practices as everyday practice tools of healing, particularly during times of crisis.
“Given where we are, contemplative practices must do more than offer respite and space for retreat. We need healing practices and transformative responses to issues that continue to divide our society.”
~Dr. Barbara A. Holmes
Everyday Mystics, Everyday Healing is a six-session course/journey that centers the transformative work of Dr. Barbara Holmes, integrating her teachings on liberation, spirituality, cosmology and contemplative practice from her most recent texts: Crisis Contemplation: Healing the Wounded Village and Walking with our Ancestors: Contemplation and Activism. Participants will explore spiritual practices and liberatory frameworks that support justice, healing, and the birth of new possibilities for needed community and planetary care. We will engage with knowledge that challenges dominant narratives, inviting us to consider perspectives from the wisdom of many traditions; African-diasporic people, Indigenous peoples, Women, artists, activists, scientists and practitioners of different way of relating, of making kin. Centered in the ancestral prophetic voice of Dr. Barbara Holmes it is for all humans who have heard the call to justice and need inspiration for the journey.
“For nothing is fixed, forever and forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock. Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses they have.”
~ James Baldwin
Teacher: Cliff Berrien
Tuesdays, MAR. 18, Apr. 1, 15, 29, May 13, 27, 2025
5:00 - 6:30 PM Pacific
Cost: $150 (partial scholarship); $225 (regular); $300 (supporter)
Cliff Berrien
Cliff Berrien is a lifelong learner dedicated to learning about drumming, creativity and contemplation, and how to honor life and the Council of All Beings in a good way. He’s had the honor to work with Dr. Barbara A. Holmes, focusing on the liberatory and powerful somatic contributions of music, movement and art emerging from the African Diaspora. He’s here to joyfully share wondrous things that he’s learned and experienced.
This course is part of the Healing & Liberation, Spirituality/Evolution of Consciousness, Relationships, Outdoors, and Mindfulness/Meditation Currents.
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