Moving into 2020 with Excitement!

Happy holidays to one and all! We wanted to take an opportunity to share with you our excitement. Marianne and Katie (founding teachers) and Jennifer (Studio teacher) have been reflecting, dreaming, and planning for 2020, and it’s almost here!

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Katie Dutcher
A Forest Reflection

Here, as I sit under this canopy of trees, I breathe in deeply the scent of this space. Here, I feel I have entered a safe and sacred place. To me, it is as holy and hallowed as any church in which I’ve ever been. Maybe even more so.

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Katie Dutcher
A February Conscious Living Invitation!

It sometimes feels so easy to notice what’s “wrong,” while what’s “right” in this moment slips by without any fanfare. Sometimes it’s hard to see what’s right in front of you! This is where our practice of mindfulness in tiny moments can begin to shine. We can find little sparks throughout any normal day (yes, even today!) when we can choose to open our eyes, ears, and all of our senses, to engage more fully with what’s happening.

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Katie Dutcher
The Choice to be in Community

We find ourselves with a choice— an opportunity to find our own ways of creating meaning, of finding a sense of belonging, of connecting with folks who help us to grow in the ways that we want to grow, to come alive, to feel alive, people who inspire us to show up with more awareness and kindness. We can create our own rituals and ceremonies to bring us closer. In short, we have the opportunity, and the need (can you feel this desire?) to form our own communities.

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Katie Dutcher
Just As You Are

What would it mean for you to be fully and authentically you in your life? What would you say yes to? What would you say no to? What gets in the way of being fully and authentically you? If we can practice being aware of the breath as it is...can we practice being aware of ourselves as we are?

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Katie Dutcher
Waking Up on the Wild Side

Not so long ago, I thought of the Wild as a forest or ocean or mountain or desert— an element of natural terrain that I could enter and exit pretty much as I chose. Now, I’m discovering that every day and every where I am invited to engage qualities of the Wild— the Unknown, the Mystery, the Energy of Being Alive, the Unpredictable, the Uncontrollable.

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Katie Dutcher
A New Way of Relating to Anxiety

Oxford Dictionary defines anxiety as “a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.” But you didn’t really need me to tell you that, did you? If you’re like many people, you already know anxiety very well. Perhaps you have been experiencing anxiety for a while, maybe even for as long as you can remember.

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So We’re Interconnected, So What?

When we open to and engage curiosity with what is beyond our own point of view, we discover untapped resources for creativity, compassion and caring, as we expand our understanding and we access more dimensions of solving problems.We are surrounded by guidance and teachings from all humans and from all beings.

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Katie Dutcher