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People Need People Online Experiences

“The most important task of this moment is to generate a base of people who are eager to practice perceiving the complexity and interdependency in every aspect of our lives.”
~ Nora Bateson  

You are warmly invited to a heartfelt, caring exploration of the unprecedented systems change we are living through. In this gathering, we’ll relate in a new way to what we notice – a way of relating and noticing that makes a difference.

People Need People Sessions are online versions of Warm Data Labs — conversations in which individuals share their stories and experiences. A creation of Nora Bateson and facilitated by certified Hosts, PNP sessions create a container for Hosts and Participants to practice being in relationship across all dimensions of our lives, including relationship with ourselves. What emerges has been described as “indescribable, subtle, and profound.” 

The experience is co-created as a collective experience and opens possibilities in ways we can’t predict. Amidst these vastly changing times, the experience invites deep connection to one another.

“There will be no community without first communing.” 
~ Nora Bateson

Registration is FREE
Each session is a stand-alone experience – come to one, two, or all three.
Invite your friends and experience a new way of being together.

August 11, 9-11 a.m. (Pacific)
September 8, 9-11 a.m. (Pacific)
October 13, 9-11 a.m. (Pacific)
November 10, 9-11 a.m. (Pacific)
December 8, 9-11 a.m. (Pacific)

These sessions are facilitated by a group of Certified People Need People Hosts, trained by Nora Bateson and staff from The Bateson Institute.  Marianne Rowe (MBMS Co-Founding Teacher) and Mark Skelding (MBMS Orb) participated in the Spring 2024 certification training. One or both of them will be Hosts in each of these Spring 2025 sessions.  

“Beginning to embrace new thinking, warmer thinking – in relationships will nourish a new version of solidarity to participate in a world of vibrant, creative, and unimagined change.” 
Nora Bateson

Host: Marianne Rowe and/or Mark Skelding, along with other Certified People Need People Hosts
Monday, Aug. 11, 2025
9 - 11 am Pacific (online)

Marianne Rowe

As a humane being, co-founding teacher of Monterey Bay Meditation Studio, and licensed marriage and family therapist, Marianne Rowe is dedicated to cultivating eco-systemic consciousness and living in-cahoots with Earth, Cosmos, and Life in all forms. Marianne’s insatiable love of learning has led her into certifications as a nature & forest therapy guide, eco-therapist, California naturalist, and Authentic Relating facilitator, along with certifications in eco-psychology, climate stewardship and climate psychology. She has been practicing meditation since the last century and teaching mindfulness meditation to children and adults since 2006. Her sense of belonging and aliveness is sourced and deepened through walks, sits, and gazing with the Pacific Ocean, forest, night skies, along with evolutionary, envisioning conversations with beloved friends and colleagues.

Mark Skelding

For 25 years, Mark Skelding has been a psychotherapist, educator, and social change agent, yet profoundly curious and wonder-filled for a lifetime!  All this has brought him to deep interest and excitement in regard our place  in the Psychosphere at this evolutionary moment.

He was once involved in communications for wildlife conservation groups, and realised that the wildlife was OK - it was people that were endangering species, habitat and, ultimately, ourselves! This, and  a need to do his own therapy, led to retraining in Psychosynthesis, a transpersonal practice.

Prior to arriving in Turtle Island in 2020, he taught Psychosynthesis, facilitated experiential ecopsychology work, convened a Transition Town initiative  and was co-ordinator and trustee of Heart Politics in Aotearoa/New Zealand between 1998 and 2012.

This course is part of the Spirituality/Evolution of Consciousness and Relationships Currents.

Registration Policies (please read) 

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